Monday, August 1, 2011

Fern Table, by Carol Johnston

Orchid Table

Orchids observed in Florida

LIBS Field Trip: 31 March to 7 April 2011

Calopogon barbatus, bearded grass-pink; flowers; 1

Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum, ribbon orchid; fruits [leafless]; 2

Cyrtopodium punctatum, cowhorn orchid; flowers; 3

Dendrophylax lindenii, ghost orchid; gray-green roots [leafless]; 2

Encyclia tampensis, Florida butterfly orchid; leaves; 2, 3

Epidendrum amphistomum [often reported as E. anceps], dingy-flowered star orchid; flowers; 2, 3

Epidendrum nocturnum, night-scented orchid; fruits; 2, 3

Epidendrum rigidum, stiff flower star orchid; flowers & fruits; 2, 3

Harrisella porrecta, jingle bell orchid; fruits (hang in clusters); 2

Polystachya concreta, yellow helmet orchid; fruits; 2, 3

Prosthechea (Encyclia) cochleata var. triandra, Florida clamshell orchid; fruits & pseudo-bulbs; 2, 3

Sacoila (Spiranthes) lanceolata, scarlet ladies’-tresses; flowers; 3

1 = Apalachicola National Forest

2 = Fakahatchee Strand

3 = Corkscrew Swamp

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

History of the Fakahatchee Strand

This is the link to an article about the preservation of the Fakahatchee Strand.

Plant Lists

We didn't have room in the newsletter to publish the plant lists that were generated by the participants.

Here's a link to the Rare Plants and Key, prepared by Ann Johnson.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Email and Photos from Skip and Jane

Skip and Jane Blanchard joined us for the first three days of our trip. We miss these longtime members who moved to Florida several years ago and it was wonderful to be in their company again. They sent the following email and photos after returning home:

Our trip home to Gainesville was uneventful, and we arrived exactly at 6 pm. As it was April 1, and as we were passing through Perry en route, we briefly toyed with the idea of stopping at the motel and attempting to persuade the person at the desk to tell the group that they had no record of reservations for 16 people from LIBS. Fearing rampant cardiac consequences, however, we simply briefly toyed with the idea.
It was great to spend time with all of you. Have a great rest of your trip.

Skip & Jane

P.S. We're enjoying the blog.

P.P.S. Yep, definitely a rough green snake. No smooth green snakes in Florida.

P.P.P.S. Salamander may have been a four-toed. Still working on it. (Does anyone have a photo that shows the diagnostic four toes instead of five on the hind foot?)

P.P.P.P.S. Pink and yellow moth at Sumatra rest stop was rosy maple moth (Dryocampa rubicunda) NOT evening primrose moth. Oops!

P.P.P.P.P.S. Please share this message if you can.

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Sorry about all the postscripts.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Corkscrew Swamp Photos

John Heidecker just sent in a couple photos he took while with us on the boardwalk today at Corkscrew Swamp:

Red lady's-tresses is an orchid (I'll post the scientific name when I get to it).

And "air plants" also need a name---Eric--can you post a comment providing identification?? Thanks.

Our last group photo

By a Royal Palm along the tram line in the Fakahatchee Strand. Photo by John Heidecker.